The company “Braća Magud Grbalj” d.o.o. has been in business for many years. Its policy is to employ more workers of various fields, and that means that the work will be done in a very successful, high quality and timely manner.
The successful and high quality work that we have done so far has made our company well known and renowned. And to show for that we list some of our biggest and most significant collaborators:
The successful and high quality work that we have done so far has made our company well known and renowned. And to show for that we list some of our biggest and most significant collaborators:
- Jelgrad d.o.o. Budva,
- Mon Rus d.o.o. Budva,
- Brent d.o.o. Herceg Novi,
- Mirinženjering d.o.o. Budva,
- Monttera Montenegro d.o.o. Buda
- Banex d.o.o.
- Monte CO d.o.o.
- Galop d.o.o.
- B.T.I Inzinjering d.o.o.
- Nikas ing d.o.o.
- Tradeuniqe d.o.o. as well as many others.